Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Fruits of Procrastination

Yesterday I had a one-on-one crit with my teacher, who says my work is solid so far and has clarified for me which part of my project I really need to work on most. It is refreshing to have a teacher who can easily verbalize what I need to work on.

Today I took the YouTube clip by Harry Potter Puppet Pals called "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" and made a new song based on the extended field trip. I recommend that you watch the clip before listening to the song if you've never seen it.

This link will take you to a site where you can listen to the song I made. Enjoy!

I have finished the design for the Rivellino, the cavelike fortress thought to have been designed by da Vinci. I am almost finished with the Vernacular Building (gallery spaces, faculty housing, etc.), which only leaves the Liberty Building (student housing, classrooms, cafe, etc.) and final production (making my presentation drawings and models). I have two weeks to finish all of this, so it is a very good thing I was working on it enough during the field trip to get all the massing figured out. Right now I am focusing on visual vocabulary, especially for the exterior facades. I will let function drive most of the interior vocabulary, but the outside can be almost anything and still be functional; I want to, for the first time, create a beautiful exterior facade. My designs are typically interior-oriented, creating pleasant, functional spaces inside a building with a rather boring exterior. It's time for me to do something with the outsides of my buildings.
(sketch drawing of the black box theater in the Rivellino)

The drawing above shows part of the catacombs in the Rivellino (ree-veh-lee-noh, stress the "ll"). The area in yellow is so far below the white corridor that there is currently a ladder in place for visitors who want to check it out. Another ladder allows visitors to move from the yellow space down to the pink/read/green/blue level. My design as shown here puts risers in the yellow space so people will walk straight onto the middle of the risers and will take steps up or down. The pink/red area below becomes a stage, and the green/blue space becomes the staging area. In this way, a previously unusable area becomes the black box theater the clients asked for, which frees up square footage in another building to add a small culinary school to my proposal.

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